The 2017 Chris Godden Memorial Lecture

Brethren of Kynaston and Nourse Lodges jointly presented the annual Chris Godden Memorial Lecture at a meeting of Kynaston Lodge, held under a Dispensation from the ProvGM on the 25th May at Bateman Street. This was the seventh occasion that both Lodges had jointly presented the event.

A total of fifty-nine brethren, which included thirty visitors from other Lodges of Cambridgeshire and elsewhere including a five Entered Apprentices. The Lecture this year was a presentation of the “2nd and 3rd Sections of the First Degree Lecture” which was preceded by an Oration given by WBro Roger Outram, a member of the Provincial Grand Orator’s team and Worshipful Master of Nourse Lodge entitled “The Journey Begins”  The short oration proved a fitting introduction to the lectures that followed.

The Director of Ceremonies of Kynaston Lodge, WBro. David Parker directed the 2nd Section ably assisted by Bro’s Nigel Chapman, Lacy Walker and Ted Ridgway Watt, of Kynaston Lodge and Bro’s Charles Goodwyn and John Gelmini of Nourse Lodge.  In the 3rd Section, WBro. David Sculthorpe the Assistant Director of Ceremonies of Nourse Lodge conducted proceedings supported by Bro. John Creek of Kynaston and Bro’s Josh Schunmann and Gerrit van Deventer of Nourse Lodge.

A Gift-Aided collection and later Festive Board raffle raised funds for the Cambridge University Cancer Research Project donated in memory of VWBro. Chris Godden.

The Chris Godden Memorial Lecture was set up in 2011 in memory of VWBro. Chris Godden, PGSwdB, who was an active member of both Lodges and a source of inspiration for young members.  It has been running annually since that date alternatively hosted by each Lodge.

Left to right:
Bro. Lacy Walker, Bro. John Creek, Bro. Ted Ridgway Watt, Bro. Nigel Chapman, WBro. Lee Wilson, WBro. David Parker, WBro. David Sculthorpe, WBro. Roger Outram, Bro. Josh Schunmann, Bro. Charles Goodwyn, Bro. Gerrit van Deventer, Bro. John Gelmini.